QQI Level 5 – Health and Safety at Work – QQI Code 5N1794


Health and Safety at Work

Course Content

The purpose of this award to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to promote and maintain safety and health in a work environment.

Learners will:

  • Examine the role & functions of the Health & Safety Authority.
  • Analyse the duties of employers/employees for current Safety, Health & Welfare at work legislation.
  • Summarise the factors which contribute to Health & Safety working environments.
  • Explore the role of communication & training to promote the requirements of Health & Safety in the workplace.
  • Explain the procedures in reporting & recording accidents.
  • Explore the appropriate procedures for using & disposing hazardous materials with reference to the material safety data sheets (MSDS) & using personal protection equipment (PPE) in the workplace.
  • Examine Safety risk factors which include hazards, work environments, equipment & work practices.
  • Explain contents of a First Aid Kit and their appropriate use.
  • Explore the range of microorganisms and requirements needed for growth, spread, routes of infection while also examining preventative measures & emergency care procedures.
  • Outline risk factors to health and the role of diet & exercise in promoting good health.


Assignments (3)   60%           Exam (Theory) 40%


This course is delivered  online via Zoom over 7 Thursdays from 9:30am – 1 pm

If you haven’t used Zoom  before, please download from https://zoom.us/download

After providing your email address to us, we will send you a link through which you access all the materials.  You can access the material using a Smartphone, tablet or laptop.  If using a laptop, ensure the laptop has fully functioning camera and microphone.  You may also find it useful to locate close to a power socket to ensure your device doesn’t run out of charge. A quiet location is also recommended.  Adequate breaks will be provided throughout the course times.