Learn the basic skills required to capture, store, open & edit digital images in this 5 week course. Learn all about a range of Digital Camera’s and their features, as well as some of the main concepts underlying digital images, such as pixels and resolution. Learn also how to use camera features such as shutter speeds & exposure, ISO, White Balance, and depth of fields, etc, to capture more adventurous compositions & images, capturing portrait images, movement shots, landscapes, macro images, etc.
Then learn to use Adobe Photoshop Elements (a digital image editing program) and a range of special effects features to manipulate images by resizing, rotating, duplicating, moving or cropping images and much, much, more. Finally as part of this course you will also learn how to print & send digital images via email, upload images to a social networking site like Facebook and save your digital images onto a USB drive or DVD.
Start Date:
Spring 2025