QQI Level 5 Intellectual Disability Studies – QQI Code 5N1652

QQI Level 5 Intellectual Disability Studies – QQI Code 5N1652


This Module is €200 and booking should be made by contacting us on 042 9746087 or email computer-training@castleblayney.ie

Course Content

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to understand the reasons and consequences of intellectual disabilities. Learners will develop an awareness of supports and the role of professionals in dealing with the needs of persons with an intellectual disability.

Learners will be able to:

  • Understand from a historical perspective, the social and medical models that have been defined in dealing with people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Provide examples of social and medical models of support.
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of social and medical models of support.
  • Be aware of the known causes and implications of caring for a person on the immediate and extended family.
  • Define the term front line staff.
  • Explore past and current attitudes to people with disabilities.
  • Define levels of intellectual disability and how they are assessed.
  • Understand how multiple disabilities can affect a person.
  • Outline the range of physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of persons with an intellectual disability and how these fit into the models currently in use in Ireland.
  • Understand the role and function of multi-disciplinary teams in dealing with people with intellectual disabilities.


Assignment: 60%  Examination – Theory: 40%



This course is delivered  online via Zoom over 7 Thursdays from 9:30am – 1 pm

If you haven’t used Zoom  before you will need to download it from https://zoom.us/download

After providing your email address to us, we will send you a link through which you access all the materials.  You can access the material using a Smartphone, tablet or laptop.  If using a laptop, ensure the laptop has fully functioning camera and microphone.  You may also find it useful to locate close to a power socket to ensure your device doesn’t run out of charge. A quiet location is also recommended.  Adequate breaks will be provided throughout the course times.