QQI Level 5 Work Experience – QQI Code 5N1356

QQI Level 5 Work Experience – QQI Code 5N1356


This Module is €200 and booking should be made by contacting us on 042 9746087 or email computer-training@castleblayney.ie

Course Content

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the skills, competence and knowledge to participate in the workplace for a limited time, carrying out work-related tasks independently while under supervision.

Learners will be able to:

  • Examine work organisations and personal career opportunities to include consideration of work related needs.
  • Analyse key challenges and opportunities facing a particular vocational area.
  • Understand the basic rights and responsibilities in relation to health, safety and welfare at work, equality legislation, union representation and pay related regulations as they pertain to employees and employers.
  • Compile a personal and vocational skills audit and career plan for a specific vocational area, to include goals and action points for the period of work experience
  • Create job finding related documents and present to others.
  • Participate effectively in work experience, to include general goals associated with all work types.
  • Demonstrate effective personal and interpersonal effective communications skills in the workplace.
  • Reflect on workplace experiences and challenges in the workplace.
  • Explore options for future education, training and employment in light of work experience



Portfolio / Collection of Work 60%            Skills Demonstration 40%



This course is delivered  online via Zoom over 7 Thursdays from 9:30am – 1 pm

If you haven’t used Zoom  before you will need to download it from https://zoom.us/download

After providing your email address to us, we will send you a link through which you access all the materials.  You can access the material using a Smartphone, tablet or laptop.  If using a laptop, ensure the laptop has fully functioning camera and microphone.  You may also find it useful to locate close to a power socket to ensure your device doesn’t run out of charge. A quiet location is also recommended.  Adequate breaks will be provided throughout the course times.